Our group member have been busy lately. We're very sorry about the delay of the posting. Back to the main task, one of us have to make an essay about What is Text in Semiotic Studies and What does Text in Media meant.
In wikipedia, Semiotic Studies is the study of signs and sign processes, indication,designation,likeness, analogy, metaphor, symbolism, signification and communication. For now, we discuss more about what is text in semiotic studies.
A 'text' such as a printed advertisement, an animated cartoon or a radio news bulletin is in itself a complex sign containing other signs.It represents a methodology for the analysis of texts regardless of modality. For these purposes, "text" is any message preserved in a form whose existence is independent of both sender and receiver.
Choose a "text." It can be almost any type of relatively short text. "Short" means something I could consume in under two hours, something like a print advertisement, a work of visual art, a short story, a movie, a TV show, a song or album, a speech, a news program, an article, etc.
So,what do you think? Maybe it just a medium for us to send a massage or communicate? Give your opinion.
- Shafiq Karim