The targeted audiences of the advertisement are people with physical disadvantages but are involved in sports, specifically in running or sprinting. The advertisement shows a stunning display of running form with striking performance from the starting line, equipped with striking running attire and shoes, Nike gives boost and confidence in those who wears them. People who are disabled or more likely have deformed legs will be given the opportunity to have run on the track and field with these shoes. The shoes are design to assist them in running and others sports. This shoe will also boost the spirit of sports for all the disadvantage people out there.
Nike’s brand had the most famous and easily recognized slogans in advertising. The slogan which is “I AM THE BULLET IN THE CHAMBER” as depicted in the ads delivers a message that the Nike's shoes give a great impact to someone who wears it. It has a role to guide that these shoes provide a great stimulus to the consumer. If worn, you are more confident and you will run as much as great as a racer as described in the ads. More than that, Nike’s shoes are one of the brand shoes with the high quality and durable. You will eager to live and to undergo the entire thing that you want.
The cultural assumptions are for sports athlete and for random people for not doing anything. The main purpose of the ads is to make people use their brands that are for sports. It also lets people to realize that we can just do it what we want to do. Nowadays, people are more advanced and not afraid of doing anything. It is because the culture has changed with the technology us living. People also will directly understand by reading the texts. They also know how to react if they inspired with the texts itself. It is because the texts itself is a common thing for people living in a pop culture world.
The “Just Do It” and “I AM THE BULLET IN THE CHAMBER” slogan was effective in reassuring consumers that the brand they picked, Nike, was a quality brand. The ads rarely focused on the product itself, but on delivering a message and a person who's wearing the product. By focusing on the text in the image conveyed by the fitness culture, Nike was able to attract those who wanted the image without incurring the pain. Ads that were starting exercise regime seemed like a necessity, and how to start running is to buy Nike. It could change the sweat, pain ridden, time-consuming exercise in Nike sneakers into something sexy and attractive.
The texts in the ads are ‘I am the bullet in the chamber’ resembles much with the picture given because it shows a disable person also can run in the track like an athlete. It also shows how a person that has no leg also can run without stopping. Here also shows the main texts of the Nike ads that is ‘just do it’. The texts it combine everything with the picture. It shows that how a person can do anything even they are not complete with their body. It can make other people think in reality about how it will change his/her life.
The alternate readings mean the hidden meaning behind certain phrases or words and texts. Some cold brings out a positive or a negative message. As for the text “I AM THE BULLET IN THE CHAMBER” that is written on the advertisement, it has this message saying that there’s a talented person behind that unfortunate person’s body. The talent can't be seen until the person puts on the shoes and show what he is capable of doing. Somehow “I AM THE BULLET IN THE CHAMBER” could also give the meaning of that it is more like a war campaign advertisement but in a subliminal way just to give the idea that it’s a media war out there.
However, this ad can change it meaning over time. We now lives in an era where we used to think that this kind of thing, a disabled person who was not able to walk and in need of wheelchairs to go around. When we sees a disabled person it give a signifier to us meaning that he can’t do things like a normal person can, which to able to participate in running competition. But this ad, it shows otherwise which a disabled person can participate which open our mind to a new signifier, telling us that disabled man can compete like any other normal person. But when time move forward, this kinds of ad that affect us will slowly loses it impact, because more and more people think that this kind of think is normal, more and more disabled person are seen with the willpower to not give up to compete without people judging them. So it have become something normal in the future with our technologies advancing. This ad will become from “Wow, this is inspiring,” impact to “Heh, everybody can do anything” impact. So yeah, text can change meaning over time as society mind progress through time.
For this assignment, our group members agreed to choose this image from Nike advertisement to be our reference to this project. The image from Nike advertisement sho that an athlete who lost his both leg but still can run fast on the field track using a peg leg. " I am the bullet in the chamber " was the slogan for that advertisement.
Each group members have to focus in one topic about what they studied in semiotic. My main focus for this advertisement is to see what the influence of this text in the image on reality or humanity. Based on the image, people can see that the character in the image have a both disabled leg. Nike has insipired people who with disabilities still can manage to compete with each other. The message is to the people that you still can achieve something that you really want if you work very hard or push to the limit until you get want you want.
The flow of the picture makes people feels like that guy run very fast like a bullet. The energy and strenght of the guy also we can see in the advertisement. This element makes people more believe and understand what the message they want to deliver. Beside that, this is also the marketing plan from nike to attract more people to buy their product