Thursday 4 August 2011

What is Index and Symbol in Semiotics?

Based on our research and understanding, we can say that an index mean something based on causes or effects which is associated with its referent . As an example like a  smoke is a sign of fire. Its also can be defines as a proper sign where the motivation is due to some kind of physical connection or causal relation between the signified and signifier. Symbol can be defined as a sign where the sign function is a conventional rule or coding. The operation of a symbol is dependent on a process of interpretation. 

Both of term have their own objective. To let people or human understand what the message that they want to give in the sign or symbol. Both term also will produce some causes or effects. It relates with each other. A sign also can intermediate degree of motivation. For example, a photograph is a proper sign.

Maybe both of term have different style and how it will connect between us in real world but for me sign and symbol is a one of the importance thing in our lives.

- Shafiq Karim


  1. totally agree with shafiq post because it shows the real meaning.

  2. yes i do agree too, just like what ezry said

  3. What is written above is correct. But sometimes different people with different culture will have different perspective towards one symbol or sign. Do you guys agree with that?
